Thursday, January 29, 2009

Political Courage

Take a look at the above for 3 minutes...then come back....did you click the link? I can wait.....ok, now my post will have even MORE importance.

Last night, the House Republicans took a stand against a popular President, a dominate majority party, and a mainstream media determined to crush them. It took political courage, but the ENTIRE Republican caucus without one defection, voted against the $825 BILLION stimulus package aka PORKULUS.

This action has set the course for a new Republican Party. One willing to STAND for something. They stood on principal and political consequences be-damned. Thanks House Republicans. You will be vilified in the press. but you stood up for what you believed to defend my children's future and my grandchildren yet to be born. This unbrideled spending will crush future generations; this is the Democrat's bill, let them accept FULL responsibility for driving our nation every faster to socialism.

Also, we should thank the 11 Democrats who broke ranks and voted against the Bill and with the House Republicans. That was a potrait in political courage. No doubt Speaker Pelosi will make sure they pay for that action. But they chose the future of the nation over rushed pork and wasted spending.

Doing the right thing is NEVER easy. It comes with a cost. But in the end the right thing is what matters. You sometimes have to take that risk for future generations, even if it means you will be isolated and feel alone.

We should make sure the House Republicans and those 11 Democrats know we are out there and THANK them for what they did. Their action was truly BI-PARTISAN.

William Travis said at the Alamo - I will never surrender or retreat. 118 men held off over 4,000 Mexican troops for 10 days. They sacrificed their life so that their fledgling Republican of Texas could survive. They were the holding action so, they were not alone.

Thank for standing up against the tide. Reinforcements are on the way..hopefully in 2010.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ready for a Return

Ok, if there is even one person who reads this blog, I have been MIA for many months.

But as the reason for this blog, having 2 kids now, one 2+ and one 2+ MONTHS is hard to find time to get this blog rolling.

I do plan to be more active going forward. There is a need to speak out especially with the current administration in DC and the spending that will destroy the future of my kids.

There is much work to be done....I hope to present some thoughts on where we are as a nation and where we will be going.

Hang in there, we ALL in for a bumpy ride.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I think it is safe to say McCain's efforts backfired on him. He should been against the Great Bailout of 2008 with all that pork loaded in the bill. Now the polls are trending against him. But last night was Sarah's and she was just flat out wonderful.

Last night, all my fears were erased and the Sarah Palin I have been following for the last year returned. She spoke directly to the people, went right past the pundits, critics, Washington and Coast Elites. With her performance last night, she planted a stake in the ground for the re-birth of the conservative movement, no matter the outcome of the election in 2008.

She was positive, jabbing, on message, and down right appealing. She made a connection with viewers, and appealed to them. It is quite funny how the media makes fun of her language and accent. Perhaps they should get out from behind the computers in DC, NY, San Francisco, etc and take a drive to 'Any Town USA'. She is ONE of us.

She had a lot riding on this debate. She clearly had stumbled and was being tied down by McCain handlers. She broke those chains last night. Her future is bright. We will see a lot of Sarah Palin in the coming months and yes years ahead.

McCain may not want to take on his opponents, but Sarah has shown, you MUST and you can do it with grace and style.

Even if McCain does not aggressively go after victory this November, Sarah Palin is now on the national scene.

I look forward to seeing her on the trail, taking the conservative message to the people.

The best quote about the evening can be summed by this post on Hugh Hewitt blog:

" ... the defining moment of the debate was when a young governor from a remote, sparsely populated state strode confidently across the national stage, stuck out her hand for a firm handshake, looked a silver-haired senator of 36 years' tenure squarely in the eye, and said: "Nice to meet you. Hey, can I call you Joe?"

At that moment, the champagne bubble of the elites popped. For millions of viewers (but almost no national pundits), the juxtaposition telegraphed a clear message: 'She's not one of them, she's one of us. But she isn't awed by him. She's not afraid.' "

It MAY be too late for John McCain, but Sarah has MUCH left to do....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Gamble - Will It Backfire?

Well, McCain really has made a mess of this election today. He decided to go to Washington DC to work with the Congress and President and Treasury to wrap a deal to help stave off a fiscal nightmare for the country. In doing so, he has suspended his campaign - all ads, fundraising, and debate scheduled for this Friday.

Was it the right move? It was classic McCain, I give him that. He feels this is the RIGHT decision. I respect that. You have to respect that he feels it is THAT serious for him and the country. The flat out stupid statements that it was a 'political' maneuver; he wasn't prepared for the debates, or he was trailing in the polls, just amaze me. If anything, this could really hurt him with the election, may even cost him it. People who hate him, will attack him, saying he can't multi-task. Those who love him will say it was political courage.

I am in the middle. I respect him for the bold move, but I think he shot himself in the foot. The media will SAVAGE him. Will it work? Time will tell. McCain was proved right by basically standing ALONG supporting the surge, and we know how that is working today.

Is there enough time to turn it around? We shall see.

But, if this fiscal crisis is as important as they are saying, and predicting a DEPRESSION...shouldn't our elected officials be there in Washington DC working to find an answer? Doesn't Obama making 'speeches' and campaign ads while we are all on the brink of economic destruction look out of touch?

I just don't know....but we have really hit a crazy time in our nation's history. We could go either way. At this time, do you want someone like McCain or Obama? For me, the answer is clear....but for those who don't follow these events as closely, I think we know which way they are leaning.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Rough Waters Ahead

Hard to believe how quickly our economy and nation has lurched toward socialism. The Fed and Treasury have agreed to create a NEW funding agency to buy the unvalued mortgages that the investments companies now hold. They are estimating the cost to you and me, Joe Taxpayer, will be $1 trillion dollars.

Since when did we as a country look to government to bail out our industries? I know it has been done in the past, but this is unprecedented. The amount and scale of the government intervention is down right scary.

What started this entire mess? Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Both of these 'quasi' governmental agencies pushed and coerced banks into making terrible loans to people who they KNEW could not afford to pay them. Then they sold them to investment firms, who in turn sold them to other investment banks. The head of these 'agencies' left after making over $90 MILLION in 6 years. He is now advising Obama's presidential campaign. Another VP from these failed institutions was going to head up Obama's VP selection process. These 'agencies' were tools of the Democrats in Congress and back to President Bill Clinton to FORCE the financial industry to loan to those who couldn't afford the loans in the first place. If they did not, then would have the force of the Federal Government on the back and were being 'racist' in their denials of loans.

Not that the Republicans are much better. Many killed the Federal Housing Act of 2005 that John McCain went to the floor to support. Three years ago he told the Senate if they did not put into effect any enforcement of this issue, we would face financial turmoil. Amazing how RIGHT he was. However, those Republicans who got money and this administration looked the other way. When the housing market was booming, no one cared about the LONG term implications.

This is one terrible situation created by poor ethics, down right greed, politicans exhtorting the financial industry and down right aweful decisions.

We are in store for a very very rough ride. Even with this latest bailout, the cost to us is hard to wrap the brain around. The governmental debt is mounting, and someone will have to BAIL them out soon.

Hold onto your wallets.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Palin....Can She Make the Difference?

Sarah Palin has energized the Republicans. The Party has new life. But let's be honest, it is NOT fully cleaned of those corrupt forces. We need to get her to the White House. Her own party in Alaska doesn't REALLY like her. Obviously the Democrats fear what the result of her winning in November could mean. There is a lot at stake.

McCain still gives me reservations, but I come back to the fact of what I know about Sarah Palin. If he goes too far off the track, she WILL speak her mind. She will let be known that she does NOT agree. Sarah Palin will keep McCain focused and grounded.

The Republican Party has for SO long been looking for new and fresh faces and idea. Sarah is like us. She works extremely hard, works at having a wonderful family - no matter how we all sometimes fall off the track sometimes. She isn't one of the salon/latte drinking brains with a pedigree from Harvard or Yale. She just wants to make a difference. Dont' we already have too many intellectuals in Washington DC?

If you have not had a chance, please see her first major speech here:

It was just flat out awesome. Her line about having an advocate for children with special needs brought me to tears. For the first time we have a REAL conservative who brings that unique perspective that only a woman can.

She was born around the time Reagan gave his famous Barry Goldwater speech in 1964. Some are making grand comparisons between the two. I can honestly say, there has been no one to this point that has stirred me in a similar fashion as Ronald Reagan. She has a great deal of work to do yet, but the potential is there.

I just hope a loss in November isn't fatal to her career. There are some country club Republicans and operatives who want to destroy and are actively undermining her. Funny thing is much of the rumors and lies where involving her own Party in Alaska. And you wonder why she fought corruption there?

The MSM is just angered they didn't get to 'vet' her like they did with all the other candidates. So they will work to destroy her.

I predict to you, if the Republicans want to recapture the Reagan years and 1994, Sarah Palin has to be involved. Also watch for Bobby Jindal Governor of Louisiana. My dream ticket is Palin/Jindal 2012.

McCain is the past. But you have to give him a tremendous amount of credit - he has given his party and the nation the future. Pat Buchanan said it best: "John McCain just took 2 shots of whiskey and landed his jet on the Golden Gate Bridge" when referring to the chance he took with picking Sarah Palin. Couldn't have said it any better.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

SARAH PALIN - The New Face of Conservatism

I have been following Sarah Palin and hoping that she would find a national spotlight with the Conservative movement for months. Thanks to another blog, I got to really know her record and background.

Let me also say, as you can tell from prior posts, I am NOT a big McCain enthusiast at all. But with this nomination, I am 100% behind him. He has shown me, despite sometimes attacking us 'Conservatives', he really is a maverick and knows we are important. Sarah Palin will become the next leader of the Republican Party and we can thank John McCain for that. Sarah is going to bring the party back to life!

She, like Bobby Jindal, is the new fresh face of Conservatism. The Republican Party was and still is dying in many ways. McCain taking a shot with a Sarah Palin is a risk, but one worth taking. No matter what happens, she becomes the new face of the Republican Party going forward.

Let's take a moment to look at her record. She served in local government as council member and mayor. Then ran a primary against a sitting entrenched REPUBLICAN Governor who was corrupt. She lost in a very close race. The Governor decided the best way to handle this 'reformer' was to give her a plum job. She served on Alaska's Gas and Pipeline Commission and sat next to the head of the Republican Party for the State. She was also on a Ethics Commission. She shortly thereafter resigned from the Gas Commission and publicly cited the high corruption of her party and the government leaders. It was her mission to rout out those involved and change the way 'good ole Alaska' politics was working.

She ran again, defeated the sitting Governor. Many of the people she went after went to jail or were convicted of crimes and wrong doing.

She has been to Iraq to visit her national guard troops serving there. She is the Commander in Chief of the State's National Guard. She recently completed a Transcontinental Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement with Canada to provide construction of a new pipeline to bring much needed resources to the lower 48.

She pushed major ethics reforms. She has used her veto pen. And most recently, she supported her LT Governor in his successful primary against a sitting Republican Congressman who has been linked to the Ted Stevens scandal. Sarah Palin KNOWS how to get things done.

The vicious and down right nasty attacks have been constant for over 5 days now. All of them on the personal front. They can't challenger her on what she did as governor. The Main Stream Media (MSM) and the democrats are down right fearful of her being elected. They take women as a one issue constituency, and having someone like Palin elected nationally would destroy their ability to frame issues and bash those who don't fit their mold of what a person should be.

We have not seen this type of attack on a person since Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas also broke the stereotype that the Left and the MSM wanted to make sure never changed. All Blacks are liberal, think the same, and if you didn't you were an Uncle Tom. He still is abused about his views to this day almost a decade later despite an outstanding career as a jurist. Sarah Palin will meet the same fate unless we the PEOPLE take an active role.

They have brought up her husband's DWI from over TWENTY years ago when he was 22. Yet, Obama, the man would be President, admits in own words he used COCAINE when he was in 20s. You tell me which is more relevant if we are going after a person's character? How many reporters are going over every detail of Sarah Palin and her family at this very moment? How many New York Times reporters in 19 months of this campaign have been researching Obama's past with Randy Ayers- an admitted terrorist who attempted to detonate bombs outside the Pentagon in the 1960s and to this DAY wishes he had done more? How about Obama's judgement to sit in a church for 10 years that spewed racist anti-American vitriol? Disagree with Palin on abortion or the 2nd Amendment? That is fair game. But to destroy a person's 17 year old daughter is over the line of any decency.

As a young person, seeing someone of her character out there, not afraid to take on this challenge in the face of whither attack and more to come over the next 60 days, I am very impressed. She is 44 and in the arena trying to make a real difference. You have to admire her courage and grit.

Sarah Palin is under heavy fire right now. But she is from the West. She built her career on her own - no bounce off a husband's political career, no following in prior family member's election and name. No she has become a success through hard work and determination. She has the pioneer western American spirit, something the MSM and far left can't understand.

I look forward to Sarah Palin's speech tomorrow night. I look forward to making the Left Wing's skin crawl as America gets to know the Governor of Alaska. McCain picked someone as far away from Washington as possible. I say well done...very well done. We have had enough of Washington as usual. McCain/Palin...REAL change.